Remote Treatment.

So how exactly does remote mode work? Well, because DNA has two strands helically coiled around one another, it acts as an antenna that's capable of transmitting and receiving information encoded on energy signals via nonlocal space. Spooky sends audio frequency energy to the nail which is received by the DNA it contains, then relayed instantaneously via nonlocal space to the parent DNA - you.

Albert Einstein called it "spooky action at a distance." Modern physics calls it "quantum entanglement." Simply put, it means that if any part of a single system is removed from that system to a different location, any action performed on the part will also be instantaneously performed on the parent system, and vice versa.

Your fingernails are part of a single system - that system is you. So when frequency energy is transmitted to your nails, its effects will also be transmitted to you - and only you, because of the unique identifier present in every cell of your body. Your DNA.


11 Day Terrain Detox

This is the first step in the process and is a prerequisite for all other services below.

What is it?

The Terrain protocol prepares the terrain in your body to be more available or receptive to further Rife treatments. People responded better to Rife treatment when common toxins and parasites eliminated beforehand.

When running the Terrain protocol, make sure you keep yourself well hydrated to aid the elimination of toxins from your body.

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Advanced Services

Fluoride Detox
  • No. Human body cells respond to a much higher frequency than those produced by a Rife machine and do not resonate to the frequencies produced by a Rife machine.

    Many researchers who have worked with Rife type machines have been exposed to Rife frequencies for extended periods over many years without suffering any apparent ill effects. Many of the early researchers from Rife’s time lived longer than average for their generation.

    Many people think that more power is better. Greater consideration must be placed on precision. The pathogens that are being targeted are microscopic in size and do not require much power to be disabled. Rife machines that boast high power outputs may have the potential to cause harm.

  • When Rife machines kill germs, the cells often burst open. This is a good thing because the germs can no longer multiply. However, any poisons that are contained within the cell are released.

    Running detox frequencies often has a similar result. All of us have built-up toxicity in our bodies, acquired over many years of neglect. Detox frequencies are designed to release these toxins into the bloodstream for subsequent removal.

    Our bodies have several natural mechanisms to remove these poisons, but it takes a while to eliminate all the toxins and debris. During this time we often have symptoms that include a flu-like condition, heavy perspiration and night sweats, fever, with or without chills, headaches, malaise, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, pain in joints and bones, and itching, flushing, and reddening of the skin.

    Do not be alarmed or put off if this happens. It is a great sign that the programs you have chosen are doing their work. Continue using Spooky2 Rife Machine until your symptoms subside.

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